Fiverr Facebook Marketing Tips – MobileMarketingMethods.info
Using social media.
The Facebook sharing is one of the more natural ways to get viral traffic these days. In fact Facebook itself is Viral. So again you can use Facebook to learn about viral post that works just like YouTube, but more importantly, inside Facebook there’s so many way to use it as a Viral Tool.
There are Fan pages, there are normal friends posting, there are Facebook Groups, and there are Facebook Apps. All these can be used to encourage viral traffic to your site. And if that’s not enough Facebook can potentially bring you multiple tiers of viral capability where friends of friends or fans can potentially reach your site. And with all that said, note that you can even start a viral campaign using paid Facebook ads where you can target people via their demographics. It does not get better than that.
When you get a lot of return visitors to your website, you are branding and building trust with your site visitors. To achieve this of course you will have to consistently come out with valuable content that is helpful and at the same time entertaining.
When you are able to churn out good contents that people like, naturally people will always come back for more. Remember to always make it easy for people to come back to your website. Use Bookmarks and get your visitors to book mark your website. Or better yet, get your subscribers to opt-in to a list so that you can notify them whenever you have new content for them.
When people like your site, and that they know the value of your efforts, you can be sure that they will start spreading news about you. That’s when the viral traffic starts. Hence, Always try your best to be the best in your niche, and you will be rewards not only with word of mouth advertising but also brand recognition and loyalty.